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Elfrix version 1.png

This Bow and Arrow wielding Elf Boy from Colypsia (don't tell him we called him "Elf Boy" or else he'll kill us) is raring for action at every turn in order to stop his pesky evil Nemesis SkullDrix from taking over the multiverse with that Jem of his (with the help of Cowbredo and the oh-so popular Petra Popstar), Elfrix is a rather strong and courageous scamp who seems to be very gifted with his little bow and arrow (probably due in part to all that target practice he does in his spare time), this will help him and his team dearly in their quest to defeat SkullDrix and save the multiverse. (although at the end of the day, you'll be the real hero getting all those questions right) Will they be able to do this, answer the questions on this site's quiz to find out, see you in the next character bio, or maybe the quiz if you're reeeeeaaaallly feeling confident.

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