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Petra Popstar

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Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, please welcome to the stage, PETRAAAAAAA POPSTAAAAAAAAAR! This stunning star from across the multiverse has hooked trillions of beings (cartoon animals, people, cartoon aliens and even robots) with her beautiful singing voice and ability to get a party going, just ask her original fans from way back when she first sang, the bartender couldn't stop giving her free drinks. so yeah, it's no wonder she's sold so many albums she can compete with Hex Moother from the Super Sheep universe in terms of wealth, but that's neither here or there. when that Pesky SkullDrix showed up to wreck havoc on the multiverse, it put Petra's career on hold, and no-one messes with a multiverse spanning sensation's pop career and gets away with it. And so, joined by her friends Elfrix and Cowbredo, she's going to try and stop SkullDrix and get her career back.

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