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Ahhhh yes, the big bad of this whole thing, SkullDrix, never before have I met some one with such dingy clothes (not counting Super Sheep, The Night Pig and Lorange's secret identities of course), this evil cartoon dragon man thing can usually be seen plotting to take over and/or destroy Colypsia and palling around with other earless folks like him (I.E: Hex Moother, Sello-Man, Hugo, ext), that was until last Monday when he left his evil lair to do some corprate dealings with a new friend of his, Jim Star-Force where he encountered his newest and most dangerous wepon, The Multiverse Jemstone, which as the name implies, allows it's user to travel the multiverse (which means he can invade other people's continuities), it was the day after those corporate dealings were done when he came back to ruin the multiverse and in the process, accidentally giving our heroes the motivation to come together and stop him, oh how inconvenient.

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