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The Drawgax

Drawgax 2.0.png

These mysterious robot monsters, or as we're going to call them, Ro-bonsters, have been appearing since last Tuesday as part of SkullDrix's army, these creatures are rumoured to have been created by one Jim Starforce of Dank-Field Interdimensional, the only thing they seem to want is to kill their prey. (which could be any hero according to their programming) They do this by disguising themselves as other people (usually friends and relatives), using their ability to pull their limbs apart to rearrange themselves (similar to Hugo's natural Shape-shifting powers), they can also draw and colour their bodies using pencils and other assorted tools (hence the name Drawgax) in order to fool their prey into thinking they're a friend (as seen with this Drawgax's Super Sheep disguise, which also uses glue to stick on the fake ears and wig) although here, you can tell that it's not the real Super Sheep because of the crude disguise (by default their shell is all gray, except for the screen)

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